Welcome to my little corner of the internet! Here is a list to help you find your way:

Current works in progress:

The Memory Collector
The cinematic edition of The Memory Collector, posted chapter by chapter as I write them.

And the sneak peek for free members:

The Memory Collector (Sneak Peek)
Your sneak peek of chapter 01-04 of the cinematic edition of The Memory Collector

Coming Soon: The Girl Who Ran With Monsters

When hunting monsters, you must be willing to become one.
A Study in Vegetables
The Adventures of the Basement Detectives, Episode 01
The Sign of the Axe
The Adventures of the Basement Detectives, Episode 02

Post Categories:

Bookish Shenanigans - Annelie Wendeberg
Weekly to bi-weekly updates on my current writing projects (new chapters, sneak peeks). Plus, exclusive lore content (deep dives, extras, and behind-the-scenes secrets), interactive and cinematic story experiments, new chapters, character backgrounds, and more.
Espresso, Mayhem, & Other Disasters - Annelie Wendeberg
My sporadic, zero per cent professional and hundred per cent random musings, curiosities and side obsessions made.
Writer’s Chaos Digest - Annelie Wendeberg
Bi-weekly to monthly newsletter for aspiring and professional writers, especially the neurosparkly ones. Here, I share tidbits on my writing process (funny struggles, tips for tackling procrastination problems, plotting, useful tools, etc), self-publishing & marketing advice.

...and how to manage which you'd like to receive in an email:

Community Hangout, Saturdays at 2 pm Stockholm Time

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